Site Meter Retrogaming GP2X Pandora Wiz Dingoo: Link: neogeoforlife

woensdag 8 juli 2009

Link: neogeoforlife

If you like games with fantastic graphics, most Neo Geo games will not disappoint you.
The system has a couple of the most attractive games you can play on the GP2X.

Graphics only will never be good enough though. A great game needs good gameplay. Fortunately there are quite some Neo Geo games that combine both qualities.

You've probably noticed I don't review a lot of fighting games and might wonder why.
Well... to be honest..... {whisper mode} I don't really like them that much.... {/whisper mode}
Neo Geo has a lot of fighting games, so when you are into these games, you should definitely try some for the Neo Geo (Garou: Mark of the Wolve).

Not only fighting games though. Metal Slug (platform), Magical Drop (puzzle), Neo Drift Out (racing), Blazing Star (shmup). Each of these games are worth a review and a game video and I might add them to the blog later.

If you don't want to wait (and why should you) this site has got some good reviews for a lot of Neo Geo games. Worth checking out.

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