Here's my first review, I thought as I hoped for more emulated games reviews I should take a plunge and write one myself (copied a part from another source) . Hope you like it, keep in mind that English is not my native language.
Super Pipeline II: C64 tested on Vice
The game:
Your objective on each level is to fill the barrels at the bottom of the screen. So long as the pipeline is intact, oil will flow slowly down it and fill the barrels.
However, MEANIES are here to prevent you from completing your task! When facing left or right, you can shoot these meanies with your gun (Press fire to shoot). Lobsters are impervious to bullets from the front, but can be shot from behind... and nails just can't be shot at all.
Sometimes meanies will make a hole in the pipeline, causing your precious oil to escape. This is where your mates come in play. Clad in green, these guys will wander around the pipe aimlessly until you collect them, after that they will follow you. When you've got one following you, you can lead him to a hole in the pipe, and he will fix it for you.
This games graphics are crisp and funny, you can't really expect more from a c64 game like this.
Score: 8/10
If you can't stand repetitive music it's probably better to mute the sound. I don't really mind and the sound effects are oke.
Score: 7/10
The most important part of a game of course is the gameplay. And the gameplay is great! Our hero moves and shoots fluently on the gp2x screen like he's been waiting since 1985 to do just that. It's easy to get into, but hard to reach higher levels. Can get frustrating if you can't reach the level where you're aiming for. However because you know you can do it, that's a sure sign of good and addictive gameplay :)
Score: 9/10
As already stated this is a great game. Just pick a d64 of the game and autostart the image with Vice. No need to overclock it or anything else to play this terrific game.
Score: 8/10
And a very nice feature of vice is the ability of making a screenshot
Yep, this impossible to beat score is mine :)
And last but not least... a video :)